Everything About Root Canal Treatment

A “root canal” is vital for a healthy tooth and the pulp. It is also known as the inner chamber of a tooth, which contains nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cells. The crown of the tooth is mostly above the gum line, whereas the roots are located in the gums. The tooth’s roots anchor it to the jawbone, whereas the pulp that is located between the crown and the root canal nourishes the tooth and also keeps the surrounding tissue wet. 

Root Canal Treatment in London

We tend to visit a dentist for a toothache. In most cases the issue is not a serious one, however at times a dental procedure is necessary to save the tooth to avoid having to knock it out. Aldgate house dental care offers root canal treatment in London and is the best clinic to visit for such an issue. This article provides more information about this treatment. 

How Painful Is It?

This procedure involves:

  1. Cleaning The Root Canal
  2. Filling the root canal
  3. Adding A Crown Or Filling

One of the most common concerns about this type of therapy is discomfort; however, treatment performed by qualified dental surgeons should be relatively painless. The infection is the source of the discomfort, not the cure. The treatment does not create pain, it is meant to do the opposite. 

The dental surgeon will numb the tooth and surrounding area with a local anaesthetic to make the process less painful. Tenderness is to be expected after therapy. It’s only temporary, and over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers may suffice. Dentists providing prescription medicines, such as codeine, are also available if needed.

Who Needs It?

When the pulp is damaged and is unable to heal the tissue dies. During that time, bacteria can enter the pulp if there is a deep cavity, a broken tooth, or a loose filling. The pulp will eventually be destroyed by microorganisms. The germs can induce a bone infection if they get through the root apertures. 

An infection weakens and breaks down the bone. The tooth becomes loose as the ligaments surrounding it swell. Pulp damage causes the tooth to be sensitive to both hot and cold temperatures. There may be discomfort while chewing and some people have a constant throbbing sensation. The infection will spread if not treated. The tooth will eventually fall loose and require extraction. 

Some patients choose extraction, especially if the tooth hurts a lot or can’t be healed, such as if there’s a lot of decay, damage, or bone loss due to periodontal disease. However, removing a tooth might cause the teeth around it to shift and become crooked. This might be unattractive and make it difficult to eat properly.

How much does it cost?

The cost of dental treatment varies greatly, although root canal therapy is generally inexpensive. The alternative is extraction, which is usually more expensive because an implant or bridge to replace the tooth is required afterwards. Extraction can also cause malocclusion or crooked teeth, as well as chewing difficulties.


If complications arise, a professional might attempt to resolve the issue and complete the root canal procedure. Patients should always follow the dentist’s advice to avoid difficulties. If an antibiotic is required, it is critical to complete the entire prescription. After the root canal treatemnt therapy is finished, a permanent restoration, such as a crown, must be installed.


Dentists recommend brushing teeth at bedtime and at least once other times each day with fluoride toothpaste, using a suitable toothbrush and replacing it on a regular basis. Flossing one must do to clean the space between the teeth and prevent plaque buildup. One should avoid sugary drinks and foods and instead eat a healthy diet to prevent infections, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Read similar article for more information: Root canal treatment benefits

Published by aldgatehousedentalcare

We have an experienced team of general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, hygienist, Facial Aesthetics, dental nurses committed to provide high quality and dental care services to our patients. Our goal is to restore and maintain the health of your teeth and gums to allow you to eat comfortably and achieve a lasting health and attractive smile.

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