Simple ways to maintain your teeth after Whitening Treatment

Tooth whitening is one of the most economical ways to enhance your smile. There are various ways to whiten your teeth However, It’s important to talk to your dentist before deciding to whiten your teeth, as whiteners may not correct all types of discolorations and involve bleaching agents that, if not used correctly. It can also damage the enamel of your teeth. In this article, let us learn how to maintain your teeth after teeth whitening treatment to ensure that you have success with whitening your smile.


There are many ways to get your teeth whiter, and not all the ways work the same. Over-the-counter treatments are not always guaranteed to work, especially if you are using whitening toothpaste. All teeth-whitening agents contain hydrogen peroxide to whiten. Toothpaste only has 1 to 1.5% of this agent, which isn’t enough to whiten your teeth. They can remove surface stains, but so can regular brushing. Your best option for whitening is to look for a product that works stronger than toothpaste.

At-Home Treatments

Many people use over-the-counter gels or strips to get their smile brighter and elegant. These contain about 6 to 10% of hydrogen peroxide to whiten. They can be effective at removing surface stains and can make the teeth white for a time. They can be effective at creating a whiter smile for you. You will have to do the treatments yourself, so always make sure to read directions and follow them exactly. If not, you will have to face the consequences.

After Your Teeth Whitening

The point of whitening your teeth is to keep them bright and clean. However, finding the right implant to get your teeth gone right is very important. Teeth whitening London is an excellent choice as they ensure to provide all necessary guidelines for their patients before and after the whitening treatments.

Consider avoiding foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, wine, berries, tomato sauce and even some sports drinks and hard candies. Not all of these will stain every person’s teeth, but they are all known to cause stains. If you do drink some of these, make sure to use a straw to limit contact with the teeth. Brush your teeth as soon as you eat or drink anything that causes stains

Tobacco is also a major culprit when it comes to teeth discolorations. Smoking is one of the quickest ways to diminish teeth whiteness, so eliminate it from your lifestyle if you truly wish to have a better smile. Eliminating tobacco will also significantly diminish your risk for oral cancer.

What to Eat After Teeth Whitening

Consider this list of foods and beverages that are less pigmented. White younghurt, Skinless chicken breast, Cauliflower, Whitefish, Egg whites, peeled potatoes, Bananas, Clear coconut water, Milk, White lemonade can be taken into consideration. Also, Clear alcohol with light mixers such as vodka soda or gin and tonic is the best option.

How to Keep Teeth White after Whitening

  • Avoid consuming beverages and foods that can stain your teeth.
  • Brush twice a day with whitening toothpaste and use a toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • Floss once a day, which helps prevent tartar and plaque buildup on your teeth.
  • Visit your cosmetic dentist for whitening touch-ups and periodical checkups.  


Visit your dentist for a regular dental checkup is more than enough to maintain your teeth regularly. Always choose the best professional implants like dental implants London for best results. Choosing dental implants in London will assure you with best teeth whitening services with more benefits at a reasonable price. However, Results achieved from teeth whitening are not permanent and vary from person to person depending on the condition of the teeth and the level of staining. It is up to you to maintain your teeth lifelong by taking proper care and precautions. Thus follows these dos and don’ts to obtain long-lasting results from teeth whitening treatments.

Published by aldgatehousedentalcare

We have an experienced team of general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, hygienist, Facial Aesthetics, dental nurses committed to provide high quality and dental care services to our patients. Our goal is to restore and maintain the health of your teeth and gums to allow you to eat comfortably and achieve a lasting health and attractive smile.

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